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Peristiwa Masjid Al-Aqsa Dibakar
E-Book yang menceritakan tentang Peristiwa Masjid Al-Aqsa Dibakar.

Training of Baitul Maqdis (TOBS)
This program is an added value and support for NGO partners combination, then MyAD’s sponsorship of the Training Program of Baitul Maqdis (TOBS) Series 2

Buletin Edisi 6 Jun 2023
Buletin Edisi 6 Jun 2023 Alhamdulillah.Bersua kembali di dalam edisi 6 Buletin MyAqsa Defenders bagi bulan Jun. Terlebih dahulu, syukur kehadrat Allah S.W.T, selawat dan

Qurban For The Needy – Global Peace Mission Malaysia
This program was held on 2nd July 2023 at Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)’s office in Kuala Lumpur. In this program, MyAD has sponsored a

The Future of The Zionist Projet Dr Mohsen
This slide was been used by Dr Mohsen during the talk that was organized by MyAqsa Defenders and Friends of Palestine.

Exploring The Influence of The Islamic World On The Palestinian Issue
The workshop focused on sharing the strengths and weaknesses that found in Zionist Israel. The speaker has also divided the strengths into 9 points and

Buletin Edisi 5 Mei 2023
Buletin Edisi 5 Mei 2023 Alhamdulillah. Bersua kembali di dalam edisi 5 Buletin MyAqsa Defenders bagi bulan Mei. Terlebih dahulu, syukur kehadrat Allah S.W.T, selawat

E-book (Siri Palestin 03) Visi Sejarawi Zionis
E-book (Siri Palestin 03) Visi Sejarawi Zionis oleh Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) dan Global Peace Mission Malaysia (GPM).

E-book (Siri Palestin 06) Naksah Jun 1967
E-book (Siri Palestin 06) Naksah Jun 1967 oleh Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) & Global Peace Mission Malaysia (GPM).