MyAD launched a program with the branding of “Syoknya Ramadan” as an effort to raise branding visibility and provide added value to NGOs coalition. 2 main campaigns namely Ramadan Kudus and Shantoh Ramadan.
Ramadan Kudus: Fundraising campaign for MyAD and initial proposals are available trial (trial) to implement fundraising for the Hafiz Sponsorship Project at Al-Quds with Burak NGO implementation partner based in Istanbul, Turkey. This sponsorship will be implemented with some affiliated NGO partners who want to help this project and the method is MyAD will do the collection and will create one onpay link for each NGO or NGO will create a link campaign special for MyAD and funds promoted by MyAD or NGO partners will log in to the MyAD/ NGOs account involved. The MyAD team has also organized a tour of the East Coast to visit NGO partners MyAD and other NGOs in Kelantan and Terengganu to strengthen relations and at the same time as a branding promotion for MyAD.

Shantoh Ramadhan: In Shantoh Ramadhan segment, MyAD has collaborated with Cinta Syria Malaysia (CSM) and Amal Valley Organization (AVO) to prepared together for iftar and distribute around Kuala Lumpur. Not only that, our media team also has created a short video titled as “Puasa A+” to spread awareness about Ramadan, a holy month to all layer of people.