Fundraising 101 (Edisi Ramadan): Online vs Offline
This class is held during the month of Ramadan, during which usually NGOs/Institutions to prepare their marketing strategies to raise funds. The target participants for this class are NGO workers, activists, and volunteers, particularly those involved in fundraising for charitable organizations, not NGOs or religious institutions like mosques. Through this class, guidance is provided on how to enhance fundraising efforts effectively, ethically, and efficiently.

Asas Psychological First Aid untuk Sukarelawan
MyAqsa Defenders is now continuing its webinar series with the organizing #KelasUntukNGO Series 2. This time, MyAD presents training and awareness programs related to the third sector, with one of the training sessions focusing on management and factors affecting mental health issues. The biggest burden is emotional burden because we, as humans, are laden with emotions. Sometimes, we are defeated by our own emotions when in the field, but it must be dealt with promptly. A humanitarian worker must have a strong mental. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. It all boils down to ensuring mental health for oneself and among colleagues.

Chat GPT untuk NGO: Penulisan, Pengurusan & Fundraising
This class focused on teaching participants the skills and knowledge required to create content using AI software. Participants were also trained in generating topic ideas and producing initial drafts of content using ChatGPT. It also involved strategies to engage the general public in making contributions (fundraising). The speaker also shared effective and proper ways to utilize the ChatGPT application. The primary focus of this class was to assist MyAD’s coalition partners in copywriting and aiding in increasing funding for their respective NGOs.

Corporate Fundraising
This workshop is the main need for NGO coalitions and for the MyAD’s secretariat itself. The main outcome is that every NGO has accurate understanding of corporate fundraising and practical ways to start funding with a basic kit and database to start generating funds. This workshop is the first workshop has been held physically in a structured and systematic way since the establishment of MyAD in May 2021 and become one of the training and testing grounds to the secretariat as well as getting a response from NGO coalitions in adding both the MyAD program and the combined NGO method in the future.

Pengurusan Database
This courses designed specifically to provide individuals or organizations with knowledge, theory and practice combine in strategies and technologies to manage interactions with donators. The purpose of this class is to build lasting relationships with donator, improve service relationships, and increase the donator database. This class has also been taught to use Power BI and database management like PostgreSQL in Excel.

Tiktok Untuk NGO
This webinar is conducted to provide exposure to the participants regarding strategy and finding content ideas that suit the target audience for ensure that the video gets high views and goes viral. The session was delivered by Tuan Haz who is the founder and creative director at HAS Production. A total of more than 20 NGOs of MyAD’s NGO coalitions and other NGOs have participated in this webinar session.

Psychological First Aid
Psychological First Aid (PFA) as a class to train MyAD’s NGO coalitions and volunteers in managing themselves as well as the people around them when dealing with crisis. Through this course, participants are expected to increase their understanding of the concept of critical incident, crisis, trauma and psychological impact in addition to being able to apply self-management skills to risk and crisis more effective The participants underwent a practical test on psychology as well as a certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and the qualification to be a PFA team has been granted to the participants.

Twitter (X) For NGO
Twitter for NGOs webinar is focusing to provide valuable insights and practical strategies for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to effectively use Twitter as a powerful communication, broadcasting, and community engagement tool. This session covers key topics, including profile optimization, creating engaging content, leveraging hashtags, and measuring success.

Project Management For Beginner
This workshop will highlight the entire aspect of project management by providing information in a more relaxed and simple form. This workshop is the beginning of a series of project management modules which further includes 4 series in total. This first series will focus on communication and teamwork in addition to the technicalities of starting a project.

Project Management: Plan Your Projects
This class is a continuation of the previous one, still catering to those in the field of projects within their respective NGOs. This time, the focus is on how to plan and what is needed to initiate a project.
Not only that, this session also more focusing on a consistent understanding of project management and practical ways to start drafting papers. What was interesting about this class was that it was offered free of charge to those who had attended previous sessions. The workshop was conducted online.

Asas Kewangan Sosial Islam
A special workshop organized by MyAD, Cinta Gaza Malaysia (CGM) in collaboration with the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) on Islamic Social Finance (ISF) presented by Prof Baharom Abdul Hamid from INCEIF held at Bangi Avenue Convention Centre (BACC).
The workshop was attended by over 50 participants from various NGOs such as Global Peace Mission, Serantau Muslim, Muslim Volunteer Malaysia, Yayasan Kubra, Persatuan Cakna Mental Malaysia, Cinta Syria Malaysia (CSM), Yayasan Maghfirah, Haluan, and Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM).
Among the main contents of the workshop are the 3 main frameworks in ISF namely Sedekah, Wakaf, and Zakat and how an NGO can leverage these 3 aspects for the sustainability of organizational funding and to positively impact beneficiaries. Prof also shared experiences of projects developed by him and his team at INCEIF which have been recognized by several leading banks in Malaysia.
This workshop marks a starting point for the implementation of a series of more impactful and effective training by MyAD together with third sector players in Malaysia.

Strategi Fundraising Edisi Ramadan
Ramadan is the main month in the calendar of an NGO where most of the funding activities and programs are concentrated throughout this month. Therefore, planning and strategy should be in the best condition during the month of Ramadan.
To assist NGO coalitions in facing the month of Ramadan, MyAD has organized a webinar “Ramadan Edition Fundraising Strategy” which has featured two consultant experts in this field, who are Ustaz Luqman from Pertubuhan al-Khair Malaysia and Ustaz Arham from Sharlife.

Penulisan Konten 101
Another webinar to empower the content team in NGOs. Through this webinar, will learn about a guide to generating non-stop ideas, a guide to building a content bank, a guide to writing content drafts and a guide to scheduling content for posts. The class today focuses on how to write content, which is fundamental for creating posts on social media. The invited speaker shared insights on generating ideas and solving problems in content writing. The speaker also discussed methods for developing existing ideas through content mapping concepts and writing approaches.